Friday, May 14, 2010

What knowledge have you connected with past knowledge?

It is amazing how quickly information can be remembered after a simple refresher. Before I began reading the chapters on turning glucose into ATP and glycogen into glucose, I tried to remember how and where it happened in the body, or what it was called and I could not put two and two together. After I saw the word glycolysis and citric acid cycle it all came flooding back. I remember the citric acid cycle being referred to as the Krebs cycle though, but it has been a while. This time around, learning and refreshing my memory there is a lot more detail. Such as knowing what happens step by step in each of the processes of glycolysis, Citric acid cycle, electron transport, including what is necessary prior to the process for it to actually occur. For example, before the citric acid cycle, the two pyruvate molecules have to be converted into acetyl CoA or else the citric acid cycle can not occur. Although there has been a lot more information to learn this time around, it has been easier to learn with base knowledge compared to some of the other topics.

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